Publication Policy

  1. Purpose
    1. This policy applies to all formal content generated and disseminated on behalf of and through the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center and AIM-AHEAD Consortium. This policy provides guidelines for publishing, presenting, and disseminating content created by the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center and AIM-AHEAD Consortium. This policy also provides a process for review and approval of AIM-AHEAD manuscripts, abstracts, posters, and presentations for outside audiences (i.e., conferences, workshops, etc.).
  2. Equity Statement
    1. The AIM-AHEAD Consortium ensures that equity is at the center of AI/ML applications to promote inclusion and fairness in biomedical research, education, and healthcare. Authorship of AIM-AHEAD products should reflect the diversity of AIM-AHEAD contributors and collaborators. AIM-AHEAD is committed to the free and open sharing of information resulting from its research efforts. We are dedicated to creating a research community that promotes intellectual freedom and transparency and ensures that every contribution is recognized.
  3. Guiding Principles
    1. Principle #1: Individuals and teams will have the opportunity to engage in AIM AHEAD activities that may lead to public-facing AIM-AHEAD deliverables and artifacts.
    2. Principle #2: Co-authorship in a scientific and/or scholarly publication follows international guidelines accepted by most major scientific and/or scholarly journals and is based on substantial intellectual contribution to the manuscript and writing.
    3. The Consortium recognizes that meeting abstracts have different requirements, and that for some investigators, abstracts to a meeting are the first step to a manuscript rather than the other way around, and that timing of submissions are often tight.

    The Guiding Principles were adapted from the Greenlight Plus Publication Policy.

  4. Scope
    1. This guidance document is intended for any publication, presentation, and other data/information reporting activity arising from the AIM-AHEAD program, including all ancillary studies. Recommendations provided in this guidance document may be tailored to the individual study and/or project.

    This statement was adapted from the HERO Publication Strategy and Guidelines.

  5. What is in scope
    1. Manuscripts
    2. Abstracts/Posters
    3. AIM-AHEAD-specific presentations of unpublished AIM-AHEAD research data/results for outside audiences, such as conferences, workshops, symposia, etc.
    4. Other media comparable to manuscripts, abstracts/posters, conference presentations, etc., that present AIM-AHEAD data and research outside of the AIM-AHEAD Consortium.
  6. What is out of scope
    1. Content from AIM-AHEAD personnel that does not reference AIM-AHEAD
    2. Internal presentations with no outside audience
    3. Social media, newsletters, and internal communications including outreach and recruitment materials, resources, and overview presentations
    4. Outreach/educational presentations, courses
    5. Interviews, media releases, etc., should be referred to the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center Leadership. This policy will be addressed in the upcoming AIM-AHEAD Media Guide.
  7. Authorship Guidelines
    1. All authors must meet the criteria for authorship as outlined by the ICMJE

    This criteria and inclusion were adapted from the PPsC Guidelines and ADVANCE Dissemination Guidelines.

  8. Corresponding authors may choose to either include the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center (AIM-AHEAD Personnel Directory) as a consortium author (also known as a Group Authorship or [Corporate Author] in PubMed) OR acknowledge the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center in the Acknowledgements (see 8. Acknowledgement Guidelines). Use the following exact name when creating the consortium author:
    1. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD)
    2. Authors will need to copy/paste the exact name in 8.a. for it to be discoverable in future PubMed searches. Do not add any additional spaces or punctuation.
  9. Data Attribution and Utilization
    1. Please refer to AIM-AHEAD’s Data Sharing Agreement general statements.
    2. Each Dataset contributing to any research, training, or AIM-AHEAD derived information will have its own Data Use Agreement.
  10. Publication Review Process
    1. This review process will only assess the submission for meeting criteria in the AIM-AHEAD Publication Policy. This review will not provide any scientific review or analysis of the subject matter in the submission.
    2. Process
      1. The entire submission should be sent to with the subject, “Publication Policy Review - [first three words of title], [corresponding author’s last name]”. The entire submission includes any title pages, references, appendices, etc.
      2. The submission will be reviewed according to the AIM-AHEAD Publication Policy Review Checklist.
      3. The submission will be sent to the Review Board consisting of the Communication & Dissemination Workgroup and other AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center volunteers.
      4. The Review Board will have one week (seven calendar days), unless otherwise specified, for two reviewers to review the submission and determine whether or not they approve the submission for publication.
      5. Prior to approving, reviewers may reach out to the corresponding author with any questions, clarifications, or concerns. For major concerns that cannot be resolved within the one-week review period, reviewers will determine an appropriate plan and timeline.
      6. If a submission does not meet the criteria for approval, the submission may be corrected and resubmitted. Once received, the Review Board will have one week (seven calendar days), unless otherwise specified, to review the submission.
      7. Once the submission has been approved, it may be submitted for publication to the journal, conference, or other outside entity.
      8. Select AIM-AHEAD publications may also require additional review and final approval (e.g., Tribal communities, CDC, NIH, project specific partner organizations)
  11. Acknowledgement Guidelines
    1. Financial and material support must be acknowledged (see below). The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that individuals identified in the acknowledgement section have an opportunity to review the draft and consent to being listed on the paper prior to submitting the final draft.
    2. Corresponding authors may choose to include the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center in the acknowledgements OR create a consortium author (see 5. Authorship Guidelines). To acknowledge the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center, please include the following statement:
      1. This work was supported by the AIM-AHEAD Coordinating Center, funded by the NIH.
    3. NIH Requirements
      1. Before submitting the article for publication, review the journal’s instructions to authors for any specific information or instructions related to the NIH Public Access Policy. The publisher's copyright transfer or publication agreement should allow the final peer-reviewed manuscript to be deposited in PubMed Central immediately upon acceptance for publication and made available to the public in PubMed Central no later than 12 months after journal publication.
      2. To inform the journal that the article is subject to the NIH Public Access Policy, authors should cite the NIH grant(s) in the acknowledgement section of the article as indicated in the Notice of Award. NIH provides additional guidance on acknowledging a grant. Below is language to be used in the publication acknowledgements (i.e., NIH Funding Statement):

        Research reported in this publication was supported by the Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health Common Fund under award number 1OT2OD032581-01. The work is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official view of AIM-AHEAD or the National Institutes of Health.

    The Acknowledgement Guidelines were adapted from the PPsC Guidelines.

  12. Reporting Requirements
    1. Once a submission has been accepted by a journal, conference, or other entity, the corresponding author must notify the Communications Director for this entry to be added to the publication list and website. Email the submission acceptance to with the subject, “[Type of publication] Accepted, [first three words of title], [first author last name]”.
    2. If the submission is a collaboration between AIM-AHEAD and an outside organization, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to adhere to the publication policy guidelines of all organizations.
  13. Dissemination
    1. Any published submissions may be disseminated on, shared in AIM-AHEAD Connect, included in AIM-AHEAD newsletters and social media, announced during meetings and presentations, and/or shared in other AIM AHEAD media, as deemed appropriate.
  14. Additional Resources
    1. AIM-AHEAD Personnel Directory
    2. AIM-AHEAD Data Sharing Agreement
    3. AIM-AHEAD Publication Policy Review Checklist
    4. CDC’s Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities
    5. For questions and submissions, email
  15. Referenced Policies
    1. Greenlight Plus Publication Policy
    2. HERO Publication Strategy and Guidelines
    3. PPsC Guidelines
    4. ADVANCE Dissemination Guidelines
  16. Policy Revision History


    Date of Revision


    Summary of Changes



    Original Publication Policy



    Publication Policy Review Checklist has been updated to include a check for using bias-free language based on the CDC’s Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities. This has also been added as an additional resource.


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