AIM-AHEAD’s Northeast Hub Hosts Writing Retreat

Group of People from AIM-AHEAD Northeast Hub

AIM-AHEAD’s Northeast Hub hosted a writing retreat on January 14-15, 2025, at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland. The retreat had 17 Northeast Hub stakeholders in attendance from AIM-AHEAD’s Data and Infrastructure Capacity Building (DICB), Program for AI Readiness (PAIR), and Consortium Development Projects (CDP) programs. Facilitated by Leadership Hub’s Dr. Roland Thorpe as well as fellow Northeast Hub members Dr. Tanjala Purnell and Dr. Casey Overby Taylor, attendees were invited to discuss writing habits, commit dedicated writing time towards AIM-AHEAD-related publications and/or grants, and troubleshoot common barriers to writing, all with the goal of continuing to build capacity to produce AIM-AHEAD research products.

The writing retreat also included a panel discussion on strategies and motivations to increase research projects with AIM-AHEAD Leadership Hub’s Dr. Harlan Jones (Professor, University of North Texas Health Science Center) as well as Dr. Janice Bowie (Professor Emirata, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health), and Dr. Aqueasha Martin-Hammond (Assistant Professor, Indiana University). Dr. Bowie being an expert in health disparities and community engagement and Dr. Martin-Hammond an expert in AI/ML.

Thank you to all who attended and participated in this impactful event. Check back often for more Hub events on the AIM-AHEAD website and AIM-AHEAD Connect.

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