California State University Northridge

"Through the PAIR program, the CSUN team will identify key gaps in congenital heart disease research that have contributed to lingering mortality rates in the aging congenital heart disease (CHD) population. We expect that the research proposal we develop will also provide guidance on how best to address health disparities in cardiometabolic and behavioral health of CHD patients at multiple stages in life. In addressing these challenges, we expect to recruit, retain, and train a diverse population of undergraduate and graduate students in the technical skills of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning research methods with the goal of decreasing health disparities. CSUN is well-positioned to foster such research because of the various centers like the Health Equity Research and Education Center and Global HSI Equity Innovation Hub, the diverse pool of student researchers, and the multi-disciplinary team that spans engineering and health equity expertise." -- CSUN 2023

Dr. John Valdovinos
Dr. John Valdovinos
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Mechanical circulatory support systems and machine and deep learning for congenital heart disease

Dr. Xiyi Hang
Dr. Xiyi Hang
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Research Interests: Biomedical signal/image processing, Deep learning

Dr. Thomas Chan
Dr. Thomas Chan
Associate Professor of Psychology

Research Interests: AI and Aging, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Positive Psychology, Mental Health

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